
Additional Disk Space, Additional Bandwidth, Additional RAM, Additional IPv4 If our standard Ryzen KVM VPS and Budget Gigabit KVM VPS packages does not fits your requirement... Basic Linux Commands Every VPS User Should Know   When you log in to your VPS via SSH, you’re interacting with your server through the Linux... CentOS 8 - Failed to download metadata for repo 'AppStream' If you get following error while using yum in your CentOS 8 VPS  CentOS 8 - Failed to download... Difference between KVM an OpenVZ VPS KVM is just like a dedicated server or bare metal server where the VPS runs just like a dedicated... Do you offer ISO ? Yes we do provide ISO with our KVM VPS under your VPS Control Panel, it lets you... Enable iptables in CentOS 7 Just use the following commands to disable firewalld and enable the good old iptables in any... Free Value Added Services/Perks/Softwares with hostEONS We try to provide as many as possible FREE value added perks to all our valuable clients, here... How To Enable Root Login via SSH In Ubuntu By default SSH Login for Root is disabled in Ubuntu, but it is convenient to directly login via... How to Change Your Root Password The root user has full administrative access to your VPS, so it’s important to use a strong,... How to Change the Default SSH Port for Security Changing the default SSH port (22) is a simple and effective way to reduce automated attacks... How to Connect to Your VPS via SFTP SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) allows you to transfer files between your local computer... How to Connect to Your VPS via SSH Secure Shell (SSH) is the most secure and commonly used method to access your VPS (Virtual... How to Create and Manage Users in Linux   Managing users is an essential part of administering a Linux VPS. This guide explains how to... How to Disable Root Login and Use a Regular User with Sudo Access For better security, it’s recommended to disable direct root login over SSH and use a regular... How to Install Docker on Ubuntu 16.x Here is a short tutorial for installing Docker in your Ubuntu 16 based VPS or Dedicated Server,... How to Install a Mail Server (Postfix + Dovecot + Roundcube) Setting up your own mail server on a VPS allows you to send, receive, and manage emails using... How to Install and Use Webmin for VPS Management Webmin is a powerful, web-based control panel that allows you to manage your Linux VPS easily... How to Monitor Login Attempts on Your VPS Monitoring login attempts is crucial for securing your VPS against unauthorized access. This... How to Monitor and Limit Resource Usage with cgroups or cpulimit If you want to prevent a process from using excessive CPU or memory on your Linux VPS, tools... How to Reboot or Shut Down Your VPS Safely Knowing how to properly reboot or shut down your VPS is essential to avoid data loss, file... How to Schedule Tasks with Cron Jobs on Linux Cron jobs allow you to schedule repetitive tasks on your VPS, such as backups, script... How to Set Automatic Resource Limits Using systemd or Docker Managing system resources proactively is essential for server stability. Whether you’re running... How to Set Up Nginx, PHP, and MySQL on Your VPS Setting up a robust server stack is crucial for hosting websites or web applications. Nginx,... How to Set Up OpenLiteSpeed, PHP, and MySQL on Your VPS OpenLiteSpeed is a high-performance, lightweight web server ideal for hosting websites and... How to Set Up SSH Key Authentication and Disable Password Login SSH key authentication is a more secure and convenient way to access your VPS compared to... How to Set Up V2RaySSR on Your VPS    How to Set Up V2RaySSR on Your VPS   V2RaySSR is a powerful fork of V2Ray that supports... How to Set Up WireGuard VPN on a VPS WireGuard is a modern VPN protocol known for its simplicity, speed, and security. Setting up... How to Set Up a Firewall Using UFW on Linux A firewall helps protect your VPS by controlling which incoming and outgoing connections are... How to Update and Upgrade Your Linux System Regularly updating your Linux VPS ensures you have the latest security patches, software... How to Upgrade Debian Distribution/version to next version Upgrading Debian to next availalbe version is quite simple and easy all you need to do is run... How to Upgrade from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8 or 9   CentOS 7 is nearing its end-of-life support, making it critical to migrate to a modern OS... How to Use nano or vim Editors on Linux When managing your VPS via SSH, you’ll often need to edit configuration files or scripts. Linux... How to Use rsync for File Transfers on Linux rsync is a powerful command-line tool for syncing and transferring files between local and... How to install LAMP on Almalinux 8 or CentOS 8 Here is a short tutorial about how to install LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql and PHP) on a Linux VPS... How to setup L2TP or IPsec VPN on CentOS, Ubuntu or Debian First get a fresh install of Ubuntu LTS, Debian or CentOS on your hosteons VPS or Dedicated... How to setup OpenVPN on CentOS, Ubuntu or Debian Just run following command as root on a CentOS / Ubuntu / Debian based VPS or Dedicated Server... Install Wordpress and LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 16 Here are steps on how to install Wordpress on a VPS or Dedicated Server with Ubuntu... Install Wordpress on CentOS 7 First install and enable Remi repository using following command. # yum -y install... Installing and Using htop for Resource Monitoring htop is an interactive system monitor and process viewer for Linux. It provides a real-time,... My VPS Network Seems slow how can I fix it ? If you think that your VPS Network is slower then 100 Mbps and if you are on Linux OS try to... Resize your KVM VPS or Linux Server Disk after upgrade You just upgraded your VPS and wondering why your Linux VPS Disk space (same applies to dedicated... Setting Up V2Ray and ShadowsocksR (SSR) on Your Hosteons VPS V2Ray and ShadowsocksR (SSR) are excellent tools for creating secure, private proxy servers.... Ubuntu Resolvers Not working ? If for some reason in your OpenVZ or KVM VPS and if it based on Ubuntu if DNS Resolvers are not... Understanding File Permissions and Ownership in Linux File permissions and ownership are fundamental parts of Linux security and user management.... Update SSH Port in CentOS 7 VPS or Server Here are few simple steps on how to update SSH Port in CentOS 7 VPS or Dedicated Server Edit the... Upgrade to Kernel 4.x in CentOS 6 or CentOS 7 Kernel 4.x is highly optimised and gives a lot of boost in performance to all Linux servers, here... VPS Using 100% CPU? How to Diagnose and Fix It Is your VPS running at 100% CPU usage? High or constant CPU usage can cause slow performance,...
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