rsync is a powerful command-line tool for syncing and transferring files between local and remote systems. It’s efficient, reliable, and commonly used for backups, migrations, and server-to-server file transfers.
This guide will show you how to use rsync for various file transfer scenarios on your VPS.
Why Use rsync?
• Transfers only changed parts of files (saves bandwidth and time)
• Preserves file permissions, ownership, timestamps, and symbolic links
• Works over SSH for secure remote transfers
• Ideal for backups and scheduled syncs via cron
Basic Syntax
rsync [options] source destination
Example 1: Copy Files from Local to Remote VPS
rsync -avz /path/to/local/files/ root@your_server_ip:/path/to/remote/
• -a = archive mode (preserves permissions, timestamps, etc.)
• -v = verbose
• -z = compress data during transfer
• / at the end of the source directory ensures contents are copied (not the folder itself)
Example 2: Copy Files from Remote VPS to Local Machine
rsync -avz root@your_server_ip:/path/to/remote/files/ /local/backup/
Example 3: Sync Between Two Remote Servers
rsync -avz -e ssh root@server1:/var/www/ root@server2:/var/www/
This command transfers files directly from one VPS to another over SSH.
Example 4: Exclude Files or Directories
To exclude specific files or folders during transfer:
rsync -avz --exclude 'node_modules/' /project/ root@your_server_ip:/project/
You can also use a file listing patterns:
rsync -avz --exclude-from='exclude.txt' /src/ root@your_server_ip:/dest/
Example 5: Delete Files on Destination That No Longer Exist on Source
To make an exact mirror:
rsync -avz --delete /src/ root@your_server_ip:/dest/
Be careful—this will delete files on the destination that are not present on the source.
Example 6: Dry Run Before Sync
Preview what would be transferred or deleted:
rsync -avz --delete --dry-run /src/ root@your_server_ip:/dest/
Common rsync Options
Option |
Description |
-a |
Archive mode (preserves everything) |
-v |
Verbose output |
-z |
Compress data |
--delete |
Delete files at destination not in source |
--progress |
Show progress during transfer |
-e ssh |
Use SSH explicitly |
Automate rsync with Cron
You can schedule regular syncs using cron. Example:
crontab -e
Add a line:
0 2 * * * rsync -az /data/ root@your_server_ip:/backup/ >> /var/log/rsync.log 2>&1
This syncs data daily at 2:00 AM.
rsync is a versatile tool ideal for backups, migrations, and syncing files between systems. With SSH integration and intelligent file comparison, it’s one of the most efficient ways to manage file transfers on a Linux VPS.
If you need help setting up automated rsync tasks or troubleshooting file sync issues, contact Hosteons Support or access your server via