Installing and Using htop for Resource Monitoring Print

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htop is an interactive system monitor and process viewer for Linux. It provides a real-time, color-coded display of CPU, memory, swap usage, running processes, and system load—all in a user-friendly, terminal-based interface.


This guide explains how to install and use htop on your Linux VPS.



What is htop?


Unlike the default top command, htop allows you to:

• Scroll through processes vertically and horizontally

• Kill or renice processes with a simple keypress

• Sort processes by CPU, memory usage, or other metrics

• View CPU cores and memory graphically in real time



Step 1: Connect to Your VPS via SSH


Open your terminal and connect:

ssh root@your_server_ip

Replace your_server_ip with your actual VPS IP address.



Step 2: Install htop


On Debian/Ubuntu:

apt update
apt install htop

On CentOS/AlmaLinux/RHEL:

yum install epel-release -y
yum install htop -y

Or for newer systems with dnf:

dnf install epel-release -y
dnf install htop -y




Step 3: Run htop


Once installed, simply run:


This will launch the interactive system monitor.



Understanding the htop Interface


At the top, you’ll see:

• CPU usage per core

• Memory (RAM) and swap usage

• System uptime, load average, and task summary


Below that, a list of running processes with:

• PID (Process ID)

• User

• CPU % and Memory %

• Running time

• Command



Common Controls


While inside htop, you can use the following keys:

F1 – Help

F2 – Setup / Settings

F3 – Search for a process

F4 – Filter processes

F5 – Tree view (process hierarchy)

F6 – Sort by column (CPU, memory, etc.)

F9 – Kill a process

F10 – Quit htop


Use arrow keys or mouse to navigate through the interface.



Step 4: Exit htop


To exit htop, simply press:


or use q.





htop is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for monitoring your VPS in real time. It helps identify processes consuming high CPU or memory, manage services, and maintain system performance.


If you need help with resource management or performance tuning, feel free to contact Hosteons Support.



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