How to Use nano or vim Editors on Linux Print

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When managing your VPS via SSH, you’ll often need to edit configuration files or scripts. Linux includes several command-line text editors—nano and vim are two of the most popular. This guide explains how to use both.



Using nano – Beginner-Friendly Text Editor


Open a File with nano


To edit or create a file:

nano filename


nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Basic nano Commands

Edit text as you would in a regular editor.

Save changes:

Press Ctrl + O (then Enter to confirm).

Exit nano:

Press Ctrl + X.

Cut a line: Ctrl + K

Paste a line: Ctrl + U

Search: Ctrl + W


Install nano (if not installed)


On Debian/Ubuntu:

apt install nano


yum install nano




Using vim – Advanced and Powerful Editor


vim (or vi) is more powerful but has a steeper learning curve.


Open a File with vim

vim filename


vim /etc/hosts

Modes in vim

Normal mode – Default mode for navigation and commands

Insert mode – For editing text

Command mode – For saving and exiting


Basic vim Workflow

1. Enter insert mode to start editing:

Press i

2. Make your changes

3. Exit insert mode:

Press Esc

4. Save and exit:

• Save changes:



• Save and quit:



• Quit without saving:




Install vim (if not installed)


On Debian/Ubuntu:

apt install vim


yum install vim




Which Editor Should You Use?

Use nano if you’re new to the Linux command line or need a quick, easy-to-use editor.

Use vim if you’re comfortable with keyboard commands and need more advanced features.





Both nano and vim are powerful tools for editing files on your VPS. Knowing how to use at least one of them is essential for system administration.


If you’re editing critical configuration files and need assistance, feel free to contact Hosteons Support.


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