
Ryzen VPS - Out of Stock

  • 27th December 2020

We are currently out of stock for Premium Ryzen VPS, but new VPS nodes are on the way to DataCentre, hopefully we will have more in stock by mid or end of next week.

Our Budget 100 Mbps and Gigabit VPS are still available 

Thanks for your patience


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Direct Admin Web Hosting and Reseller Hosting With LiteSpeed, CloudLinux and SSD Drives

  • 25th December 2020
Due to repeated price increase by cPanel it has become impossible to provide affordable web hosting services using cPanel moreover it was already in plans to upgrade our web hosting services to LiteSpeed and SSD Drives, so now we are upgrading our web hosting services to:   1) Direct Admin Control Panel 2) LiteSpeed Web Server 3) RAID 10 SSD ...
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Rise up with Premium Ryzen VPS

  • 22nd December 2020
We have been offering Budget SSD VPS since 3 years but now as per your demand we have launched a new range of Premium VPS with Ryzen CPU, NVME Drives and 10 Gbps Port Now we are offering Ryzen CPU based Premium KVM VPS using NVME Drives for ultrafast performance at very affordable price. Ryzen VPS Starting at just $2 per month (if paid ...
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JetBackup now available with Web Hosting and Reseller Web Hosting

  • 18th December 2020

We have now enabled JetBackup for our web hosting and reseller web hosting services 

We are now taking daily as well as weekly backups for all our web hosting services using JetBackup 

Jetbackup makes it easy to restore backups especially if your site is infected or compromised or if you deleted some file in error

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