We have added one more KVM VPS Node in LA, this is our 11th KVM based VPS Node in LA.
It is on same network as our network other VPS Nodes
We have added one more KVM VPS Node in LA, this is our 11th KVM based VPS Node in LA.
It is on same network as our network other VPS Nodes
We have added a new 256 MB OpenVZ VPS Package for just $12 per year.
It comes with :
1 CPU Core
256 MB RAM
256 MB vSWAP
5 GB SSD Disk Space
100 Mbps Unmetered
1 IPv4
/64 IPv6
SolusVM control panel
You can order it from - ORDER
We have added few new KVM Templates for our KVM VPS
1) Fedora 28 64 bit
2) Debian 8 64 bit
3) Ubuntu 18 64 bit
These are new templates if you face any issues let us know
Our VPZ Node OVZ 1 is going under an emergency maintenance due to a CPU Fan failure, we will be rebooting it shortly to change the CPU Fan
Expected downtime is about 10 Minutes
Maintenance Completed - Please allow few minutes for your VPS to get online, all VPS are coming online