
New York Network Down

  • 11th July 2023
There is an outage in New York / New Jersey at this time. The facility are investigating. It is impacting the entire building.  The facility have advised the following:We are currently experiencing a sitewide power issue related to our UPS systems at EWR1. We have site personnel investigating the issue. We have called our UPS vendor who is ...
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RYZEN KVM VPS NODE 2 in Dallas - Maintenance

  • 6th July 2023
We are using NVME RAID Array for our Ryzen KVM VPS Nodes, but one of the drive has failed hence we need to take the server down to replace the faulty drive. We expect it to be done next few hours, we will post an update once it's completed But do expect a short downtime while this drive is being replaced  Only RYZEN KVM VPS NODE 2 in Dallas ...
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RYZEN KVM VPS NODE 13 in Los Angeles - Maintenance

  • 4th July 2023
We are using NVME RAID Array for our Ryzen KVM VPS Nodes, but one of the drive has failed hence we need to take the server down to replace the faulty drive. We expect it to be done next few hours, we will post an update once it's completed But do expect a short downtime while this drive is being replaced  Thanks Kapil Trishla ...
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