
Stock Status - Budget KVM VPS, Ryzen KVM VPS and OVZ VPS

  • 11th September 2022
Due to recent spike in orders we are currently out of stock or have very low stock left out, below are more details: Date: 11th Sep 2022 Budget KVM VPS: Out of stock All Locations Ryzen KVM VPS: Very few left out OVZ 7 VPS: Available in LA as well as NY   We will add a new announcement once we have more stock available   
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NY OVZ 1 and Node 14 LAX Maintenance

  • 2nd September 2022
Two of our VPS Nodes NY OVZ 1 and Node 14 LAX have a faulty drive, but since we are using RAID 10 the servers are online, but to replace the faulty drive we will need to shutdown server for a short while and replace the drive. We cannot give exact time for it but we have already requested NOC to do the needful so you can expect them to go down ...
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Node 19 LAX Maintenance / Downtime

  • 10th August 2022
We are aware that our KVM VPS Node in Los Angeles has rebooted a few times in the past 16 hours, we first tried to check if it's some software issue, but it seems it's not a software issue, most likely it's either power issue or hardware issue, we have asked NOC Techs to check it, it may take few hours for them to check so this VPS node may not be ...
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Scheduled Maintenance Node 22 Los Angeles

  • 5th August 2022
KVM VPS Node 22 Los Angeles needs a drive replacement, one of the SSD Drive has gone bad and need to be replaced hence we will shutdown server in the next 24 hours (cannot give exact time) we don't expect downtime of more then few minutes if all goes well Since we are using RAID 10 all data is safe and server is still online as of right now but ...
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