KVM Node 16 in LA and OVZ 1 Node in New York - Maintenance

  • Friday, 23rd December, 2022
  • 16:51pm

KVM Node 16 in Los Angeles and OVZ 1 Node in New York both these servers have 1 bad drive in each of them hence we will need to shutdown both servers for few minutes to replace the bad drives.

We are using RAID 10 hence there is no data loss and servers are still online but to replace the bad drives we will need to take them down

We cannot give exact time of maintenance but it will be down anytime now in the next 48 hours

We will update this post if there is any change or update


UPDATE 1 : OVZ 1 Node - All Fixed

UPDATE 2: KVM NODE 16 in LA is currently down as RAID is giving errors, we are working on it

UPDATE 3 : KVM NODE 16 in LA is back online, but one drive replacement is still pending, but this can be done without downtime, will update once even this is completed.

UPDATE 4: NODE 16 LA is having more hardware issues, we will email all clients on Node 16 about it in more detail

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