Now OpenVZ VPS Also Available with 1 Gbps or Gigabit Port Speed

  • Monday, 21st November, 2022
  • 14:31pm

Until now we were only offering 100 Mbps OpenVZ VPS, but now in the order form we are also offering option to upgrade to 1 Gbps Port speed with metered bandwith for a no or little fees depending upon the package you ordering and how much bandwidth you need. By default our OpenVZ 7 based VPS comes with 100 Mbps Network Port speed but upgrade to 1 TB Bandwidth on Gigabit Port is already free in the order form, even existing clients can ask to upgrade to 1 Gbps Port Speed with metered bandwidth by paying the difference if applicable.

Do check out

And click on the order link to see upgrade option to Gigabit Port speed, if any queries feel free to submit a support ticket


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