KVM VPS Node 1 - Node 12 Upgrade/Maintenance

  • Thursday, 5th September, 2019
  • 14:21pm

In the next few days starting today, we will be upgrading base OS of our KVM VPS nodes in LA (Node 1 - Node 12) from CentOS 6 to CentOS 7 so to do this upgrade with least possible downtime, we will be migrating VPS of users from their current node to other VPS nodes, it will result in maximum 20 minutes of downtime for VPS (usually it's just few minutes)

Only Node 1 - Node 12 will be affected, other KVM Nodes in LA are not affected as they are already running CentOS 7.

Cannot give exact time for each VPS as we have migrate VPS one by one manually.

UPDATE: This is now completed

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